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Just as a seed needs to first grow roots, then develop a shoot, then a bud before becoming a flower, introductions to new pursuits for children need to be approached in a similar way.

Here's how you'll see the "fit types" defined on Kidzmet...

Natural fit :: a compatible personality type, matching cognitive style and many parallel interests and strengths make this a comfortable teacher-student relationship from the outset where the teacher and student intuitively connect.
Complement fit :: this teacher is compatible with the student on many levels, but different enough to be able to stretch the student's understanding of the world and what makes other individuals tick. A good way to discover new passions and ways to learn.
Growth fit :: while not an intuitive fit, when both students and teachers are aware of each other's "ingredients" (e.g. personality, interests and learning style), they can learn to adapt to create a relationship built on mutual understanding. An incredibly valuable match because the student has the opportunity to learn how to interact in a positive way with colleagues and family members that share this personality type.