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Complete your child's preference profile today and unlock his or her learning potential based on personality type, predominant cognitive style and multiple intelligence strengths.
Who was your child born to become?
In as few as 15 minutes, you can get a clear picture of how your child's personality type, multiple intelligence preferences and predominant cognitive style reveal their innate talents and shape the way s/he learns best.
As a result, you're able to more effectively introduce enrichment activities and subjects in ways that makes his or her soul sing.
Why wait any longer to discover new ways to better motivate and engage your child?
Take our FREE 15-20 minute preference profile with each of your kids and receive our complimentary Pairing Portrait.
If you like what you see, you can upgrade to a
Student Snapshot
for just $4.99 and help learn how to better assist them with homework in the ways in
which they are innately wired to learn.
More importantly, you can pass these
insights along to school administrators, so that your child is paired with the optimal instructor
for his or her unique spirit in the coming school year.